2021 - Living Room, The space of imagination
curated by Andrea Lerda
Associazione Art.ur, Cuneo, IT
2018 - Bepi Ghiotti
Neochrome Gallery, Turin, IT
2016 - Materia Prima
curated by Franz Paludetto
Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Castello di Rivara, IT
2016 - Inside Carol Rama
curated by Isabella Bortolozzi
Eden Eden, Berlin, DE
2011 - Sources
curated by Claudio Composti
Acquario Civico Castello Sforzesco, Milan, IT
2010 - Sources
curated by Diletta Benedetto and Franz Paludetto
Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Castello di Rivara, IT
2024 - A Rebel of Modernity, Schirn Kunsthalle
curated by Martina Weinhart
Frankfurt, DE
(section of Carol Rama's solo exhibition)
2024 - Walking Mountains, curated by Andrea Lerda
Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Torino, IT
2024 - Walking Mountains, Viso a Viso, Lou Pourton
curated by Andrea Lerda, Ostana, IT
2024 - Kayu in viaggio
Kayu – Lucie Fontaine branch in Bali
supported by Massimo De Carlo gallery and Honold Fine Art
2023 - Against the Day
Chakaia Booker, Carol Rama and Bepi Ghiotti
curated by Isabella Bortolozzi
Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, DE
2022 - Connecting Worlds
curated by Andrea Lerda, Cuneo, IT
2022 - Seduzioni e Sortilegi, Carol Rama
curated by Marco Meneguzzo
Studio La Città, Verona, IT
(section of Carol Rama's solo exhibition)
2021 - Constellation #6
Honold Fine Art - V-Room, Ubud, Bali
2021 - Constellation #5
Honold Fine Art - V-Room, Ubud, Bali
2019 - Piedmont Pavillon
curated by Marianna Vecellio
Castello di Rivoli and Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Combo Venezia, ex Convento dei Crociferi
Campo dei Gesuiti, Cannaregio 4878, Venezia
2019 - ArtSite
curated by Domenico Papa and Michele Bramante
Castello Reale di Govone, IT
2019 - Under Water
curated by Daniela Berta and Andrea Lerda
Filatoio di Caraglio, IT
2018 - Confronti/4
Carol Rama/Carlo Mollino e le immagini di Bepi Ghiotti
curated by Maria Cristina Mundici
Musei Reali Torino - Galleria Sabauda, IT
2018 - Post-Water
curated by Andrea Lerda
Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Torino, IT
2017 - Campo Video
curated by Manuela Galliano, Andrea Lerda e Marianna Sabena
Arte video in Valle Grana, IT
2017 - In the depth of identity
curated by Andrea Lerda
Studio la Città, Verona, IT
2017 - Concept
CICA Museum, Seul, South Korea
2017 - Here - Cavallerizza Irreale
Cavallerizza Reale, Torino, IT
2016 - Carol Rama Portraits
during Ferite Della Memoria at Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie
Berlin, DE
2016 - Art Basel, Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie
Main Fair Booth M6 Hall 2.1
2016 - Follow the White Cube
curated by Astrid Honold
Studio Filippo Sciascia, Ubud, Bali, RI
2016 - Biennale Cina-Italia 2016
curated by Mian Bu, Su Lei, Sandro Orlandi Stagl
798 ArtZone, Chaoyang District, Beijing, CHN
2015 - MAM Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
Inside Carol Rama - Site-Specific Installation
curated by Anne Dressen, original soundtrack by Paolo Curtoni
(section of Carol Rama's solo exhibition)
2015 - Museo d'Arte Italiana 1985-2015
30 Anni d'Arte Contemporanea
curated by Franz Paludetto
Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Castello di Rivara, IT
2015 - Biennale Italia-Cina 2015
curated by Mian Bu, Su Lei, Sandro Orlandi Stagl
Mastio della Cittadella, Torino, IT
2014 - Nottingham Contemporary
Small Collections Room, Inside Carol Rama
curated by Irene Aristizábal (section of Carol Rama
and Dan Vo exhibition) Nottingham, UK
2014 - Artissima 21
Exhibiting Museum, Inside Carol Rama
Fondazione Sardi per l'Arte, Turin, IT
2014 - Opere e progetti del Museo di Fotografia
Contemporanea 2004-2014
curated by Roberta Valtorta
Triennale di Milano, IT
2012 - Principia Naturalia
curated by Valentina Ruospo and Michele Bramante.
Castello Contessa Adelaide, Susa, IT
2012 - Docks912, 100 anni in evoluzione
curated by Michele Bramante and Francesco Poli
Docks Dora, Turin, IT
2011 - The Others
Paludetto Contemporary Art
Ex Carceri Le Nuove, Turin, IT
2011 - Drawing Connections
curated by Miriam Grottanelli
Siena Art Institute, Siena, IT
2010 - Opening Contemporary
curated by Franz Paludetto
Allegretti Contemporanea, Turin–Rome, IT
2009 - Dimensionemassima 10x12
curated by 3terzi
RomaFotoGrafia, Rome, IT
2008 - Rencontres d’Arles
Grande Halle - Parc des Ateliers, Arles, FR
2001 - Fotografia Quotidiana
curated by Miuccia Salvati and Luca Ballavicini
Centro Studi sulla Contemporaneità, Bologna, IT
1998 - Versus IV
curated by Vezio Tomasinelli
ex Lanificio Bona, Carignano, IT
1995 - Studi Aperti
curated by Beatrice Merz and Maria Centonze
Dock’s Dora, Turin, IT
1995 - European Kodak Gold
il Diaframma Gallery, Milan, IT
Inside Carol Rama
Publisched by Skira Editor
2014, 190 pages
En: Inside Carol Rama
ISBN 9788857223803
IT: Il Magazzino dell' Anima
ISBN 885722379
Sources - Artist Book
containing a selection of 15 images
from the work in progress Sources
Printed on Fine Art Giclée
in January 2014
Limited edition of 30 copies
size 91x70 cm
2024 - Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera
Corso di documentazione fotografica
Milano, IT
2024 - Il cammino come opera d'arte
Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino
In collaboration with Museo Nazionale della Montagna
Torino, IT
2021 - Living Room - The space of imagination
Artist Residency with Eva Frapiccini, Giovanni Termini, Flaminia Veronesi, Cuneo, IT
2021 - An artwork is never still although what it represent might seem like it is - - interview
2020 - Platform Green - Riflessioni sull'origine delle cose
A. Lerda, interview
2019 - BLAU Magazine - International issue
2014 - Artissima 21
Fondazione Sardi per l'Arte
2014 - Museo del Novecento Milano
Inside Carol Rama, il Magazzino dell'Anima
2014 - Fondazione Croce Torino
Inside Carol Rama, il Magazzino dell'Anima
2014 - GAM Torino
Inside Carol Rama, il Magazzino dell'Anima
Book presentation, Skira Publisher
2011 - Museo Fotografia Contemporanea MU.FO.CO
Anthology Collection
2011 - Contemporaryart Torino+Piemonte
2010 - Sources
Daylight CDS Film Shorts
Center for Documentary Studies, Durham, US
2008 - Bringing the Great Photographer into Focus
Fotobox - Contrasto/Corriere Della Sera
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